Tuesday, 20 March 2012

FB 29 - Day 6

Hannah is still really enjoying painting. She discovered a Thomas activity in the cupboard which uses water to reveal a picture. She gets them all out and paints each one of them until they are completed. So today we started with water painting with me doing a couple - it is quite calming, especially when listening to Beethoven!

Hannah then watched the Leap Frog Letter Factory. I do like this DVD - it really seems to make letter learning fun and both Hannah and James seemed to have learned a lot of their letters with it. Then it was "real" painting time. The manual then suggested to paint a brown bear - Hannah was not interested although she did encourage me to do it! She then went painting happy - hands, elbows, mixing etc. She was delighted to discover that red and white mixed to make her favourite colour pink! I asked her what her painting was and she did not really answer - it was simply painting. I then was given certain colours to paint with and ended up painting a green bear - it made me think of the Artist who painted a blue horse.

Hannah watched the Three Tenors while waiting for lunch. She said they were not singing and I being in the kitchen said they do but one at a time. It was not until a few minutes when I went back later that I realised it had frozen! She loves this little Utube video. It is a Christmas one and the Three tenors and being a little silly! She then helped with lunch. She likes getting things out and choosing what she wants. She chose some strawberries and said we needed to wash them. I gave her the sieve and asked her  to put them in - she spontaneously starting counting - not one to one but as though she knew what she was doing. A great way to practice counting. She also did the same with the toy eggs and a pink egg box I found!

We went on a spider web hunt on our nature walk and found one which we touched and talked about how sticky it was and how gentle we have to be when we touched it. There were no flies so we will have to come back another day. I tried to take a photo but it was a bit tricky!

We are gradually learning the Spanish numbers as we watch Utube every day - I think I am beginning to learn the accent. As I learn them I think I will use the UTube less and start to use manipulatives.

I do not have Little Bear yet but it has been ordered - I have ordered it with a CD so we can listen to it in the car. I am So excited. Instead we read The Artist who painted the Blue Horse, Baby Talk, If you a Mouse a Cookie and Pointed Hatted Princesses. When Hannah reads this she puts her fingers on the words and reads from memory. She must be watching James and I as we practice reading!

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